
Rockabilly Teen Vogue 2005

I"m really into white tights for this upcoming season. I think the whole opaque black tight thing has been overdone, so I'm looking on a fresh take. I guess you couldn't call this look that fresh because this is a photo shoot from 2005, but I do think white tights are the road less traveled. I'm also digging the heavy wool. I saw a good bit of 1940's-esque fabrics and styles when looking at the vogue runway book for fall/winter 2009, and I think that heavy Grey wool fits the bill.


I know he is a sellout...

But I have this hidden love for John Mayer. Call me cliche but something about those smoky tones and mad guitar skills makes me weak at the knees. The fact that he is easy on the eyes doesn't hurt either..


Post 101!

Check out this band Matt and Kim! You might recognize their song "Daylight" from the bacardi Mojito commercial where this dude is walking through time to get a drink. Its my favorite commerical with my favorite song! Everynight I get a good workout dancing to this song before I go to sleep.


Sephora haul!!

For starters go watch MeganHeartsMakeup's videos. I love her make-up tutorials! They may not be your cup of tea, but I really appreciate the idiot-proof tips and advice. Applying makeup isnt one of my strong points. She's cute and has the fluffiest bangs I have ever seen. So in the spirit of my YouTube make-up tutorial binge, I replenished my stores. Check out my haul!


Love knot

To me there is something so romantic about a long thick braid of hair. I really love when in the poem "The Highwayman" it says the beautiful heroine braids 'dark red love knots into her long black hair'. Renior's famous portrait called "The braid" illustrates how a braid can be so sensual. I especially love hedi style braids like this lovely young lady has (photo from the Sartorialist). Mk olsen pulls of the look quite well. I'm considering this hairdo for my debut (picture from Priscilla of Boston...and yes, that's my dress. ). Thoughts?

de russie, avec l'amour

Ballet Body

I'm trying to get into shape because I've pretty much given hope on returning to ballet class anytime soon. I dug out this book from the stacks teetering around my bed and settled down for a good long workout. Its called New York City Ballet Workout. I have to say that I loved it! It workes your butt, legs, and abs in a very low impact way. You focus on that Ballet core and holding your spine. It's pretty much a book of floor barre exercises, but I put weights on my ankles to intensify things a bit. Great for any ex-ballerina's looking for that same strech they used to get from class.


Late Bloomer

Once again i'm drawn to these unflattering pants! I promise I don't have anything agains asses. But how cute would these bloomers be with a white tank top for frolicking on the beach on a windy day? Bloomers were all over the Goirgio Armani Fall 2005 RTW (in black) and MiuMiu Spring 2008 RTW. I just can't say no to these sweet tartan bloomers from Anthropologie.



Ruffle Racer Bra and Bikini

Im getting married!!!

Ok, so not really, but I have been trying on wedding dresses for the past two days and I've finally selected the dress I'm going to wear to my débutante ball! Its from the Vineyard line by Priscilla of Boston. Vineyard is designed by Mark Brower who designed for Vera Wang and is now a professor of fashion design at Parsons School of Design. I love the entire collection!! Its a stunning dress with very supple material and isn't heavy or stuffy at all. I feel like I'm wearing a cloud, but more importantly I feel like a princess. 



I never told ya'll that I went to Honduras this past summer on a mission trip! I'm pretty sure my brain would explode if I attempted to summarize the experience I had or the way it changed me. I will, however, show ya'll some pictures. This is a rather long quote that I sent to the school paper and it does explain a little of the emotions I felt while I was in that amazing country.

She asked me what we did...this is my response.

"We built a wall with this really awesome honduran man named Santiago.He taught me some useful skills in masonry and was a bit of a jokester. I'll never forget how happy i was whenever Santiago would compliment my workmanship because for the first few days working with him all he would say was "malo malo mao" which means "bad". When we werent working on the fence, we would visit the kids at Guadalupe, the mothers project, or la Via. Playing with the kids was the most fun I've had in years. They were little rascals that just wanted to play soccer or roughhouse or in the girls's case, just sit and hold your hand. These kids showed me how few things in life are required to find happiness. The simplicity of our living quarters also reinforced this idea of happy simplicity. I found peace in the fact that there was no t.v., no computers, no phones, no ipods, no dishwasher, no central air. In Honduras the distracting noise of everyday life that gets in the way of finding yourself disappears. In the simplicity and silence you are shown a new side of yourself and are given the ability to truly listen to other people. My favorite part of this trip was getting to know my fellow missionaries (students and chaperons alike) because we were devoid of any preconceived notions about each other and the only way we connected was through regular conversation. There was no texting to distance ourselves from one another, no friending on facebook to see if we had mutual friends, and no way of hearing gossip about the other people. We didnt know each others stories, but all we knew was that we liked one another from the start. It was straight up human connection and it was beautiful. Im so grateful i had the chance to go on this trip. Im so grateful for the amazing people i got to go with, especially the chaperons. Mr. Murphy, Mr. Kern, Ms. Kacie, Mrs. Conroy, and Mrs. Martha, were huge inspirations to me and really gave me some great advice. We all became friends, regardless of age and we all equally shared in a very empowering experience. We are all planning on keeping in touch and reaching out to our own home community as a group. I would recommend mission work to anyone who is up for the challenge because my only regret is that I wont be able to return to Honduras next year."

Miss Grace

Its debutante season in the deep south, so you know what that means. Im in the market for a big poufy white dress. The program I'm involved with raises money for the local cancer center. I looked at some dresses today but I'm not sold on any yet. Something in the style of Grace Kelly aka Princess Grace of Monaco would be my idea of perfection. A princess dress fit for a princess!

Harem Pants

I love them, you probably hate them. Done right, I just think they look pleasantly exotic and not too MC hammer. I mean the last time I checked I wasn't a 6ft+ black man nor did make a habit of stopping for hammer time. Ralph Lauren's spring 2006 ready to wear made a nice showing of Harem style pants with a more safari-esque take. A more relaxed Jersey harem pant is much more my speed. The pants at the bottom are from LuLu's but i recently ordered myself a pair from Urban Outfitters. Can't wait to prance around in them!


First Day of school

Nothing says school like a fresh pair of loafers. Check out these Bamboo Vegan Leather Loafers from LuLu. Pair these cute loafers with a nice cropped pant and BAM, you've got yourself a very Audrey-esque look. Who doesn't love the scholarly feel of nice burgundy penny loafer?