

While searching around for inspriration for my halloween costume (I'm going as Lolita), I stumbled upon pony_tail's photostream.
Beautiful, no?


Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Lebrun

My all time favorite artist. The first women to be admitted to the Academie de peinture et de sculpture (big deal painters of the french court around the time of Marie Antoinette). The second to last painting is a self-portrait. I love the confidence she exudes.

All the pictures were scooped from Wikipedia


Lately I've been slaving away on a sassy cross-stitch for one of my good friends. I don't want to post it and ruin the surprise, but it's very much in the spirit of one of Rachel Mckay's creations (shown below)

Bitch, please. 


I've mastered the art of riding a bike in 4 inch heels.
I can even ride in skirts without flashing my garters.
I can go up hills, bumps, curbs, and even had a brief...perilous moment with mountain biking.
But somehow, I can never manage to keep from running into my pedals when I'm walking the bike. I always succeed in scratching up the backs of my legs and destroying my stockings in the process.

Tricky tricky


What I'm Wearing...like three days ago

Three days ago...still in shorts and icky t-shirts. Today, its thigh highs and scarves!!! 'Tis the season! Sort of...at night its chilly enough for a sweater but it can get a little hot during the day with all of the sunshine. Like my new glasses? I had a cuter pair but I lost them in the abyss of my dorm.