
what starts with a p and rhymes with nylon...?

PYTHON! (that was for Camille)
but really, I was at urban yesterday doing a little retail thereapy..which often leads to bad things. This one time when my big brother went away to camp for a summer i bought a 200$ ugly native american wanna be tribal dress. Its never seen the light of day. Stress and shopping don't mix well for me. SO I'm doing some major damage at Urban. I literally tried on close to 20 items and I walked away with some real treasures (weirdly enough) and one impulse buy...im hoping this isnt native american dress pt II. Its a faux python figure skater style tunic/dress thing? Im brave enough to wear it but i have a feeling my town isnt quite ready for it. Maybe when i vacation somewhere with actual clubs I can whip this baby out. What do you think?


Sorry for sucking!

I'm sorry for being a horrible blogger..but i have an excuse! I've been creepin on other blogs and learning from the pros! I think Im going to start taking pictures of my outfits like many of the other fashion bloggers out there. I've also been working hard at work, making that moneyz abercrombie style. Work has been interesting to say the least..my co-workers are great, i love my managers, but I swear to god if i get one more stink-eye from a12 year old customer or another beer belly frat boy over 20 hits on me..i will freak. Other than that, it's been smooth sailing on the retail seas. I've made a couple of purchases since the last time...a skirt from FCUK that hasn't come in yet, a dress from urban, a peasant top from abercrombie, some sweet cut-offs (pictures will come along later). I caved and got a twitter, so i tweet all the time now and follow miley cyrus like some dorky pre-teen. So, as a big apology and suck-up gesture, I'm going to attach the links of all the other blogs ya'll should keep up with! I promise they are eons better than this little one <3

Garance Dore

The Glossy
Style Bubble
Fashion Toast
Style Rookie
It's Her Factory