
what starts with a p and rhymes with nylon...?

PYTHON! (that was for Camille)
but really, I was at urban yesterday doing a little retail thereapy..which often leads to bad things. This one time when my big brother went away to camp for a summer i bought a 200$ ugly native american wanna be tribal dress. Its never seen the light of day. Stress and shopping don't mix well for me. SO I'm doing some major damage at Urban. I literally tried on close to 20 items and I walked away with some real treasures (weirdly enough) and one impulse buy...im hoping this isnt native american dress pt II. Its a faux python figure skater style tunic/dress thing? Im brave enough to wear it but i have a feeling my town isnt quite ready for it. Maybe when i vacation somewhere with actual clubs I can whip this baby out. What do you think?

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