
A new Direction?

I know I've mentioned it before, but I really do want to take this blog in a new, more personal direction. I will now give an explanation along with an analogy. Keep up kids.

So I was once again on my quest to find some Burrbery 09 wedge knock-offs (some of you wont know what the hell I'm talking about since I've yet to make a post about them because they have been eluding me for quite some time). ANYWAYS, I was looking for this shoe, right, and I thought to myself  "How convenient that Jane Aldrige of the popular Sea of Shoes got to create her own line of shoes for urban that looked curiously like a few of her high end desiger shoes...If I could do that- I would totally redo Burberry 09 wedges into affordable delights for savvy shoppers. Wait, why can't I do that? Because no one follows my blog.."

Which led me to the conclusion that If i really want to get anywhere I've GOT to start showing myself and my personal style more often. Thats how Rumi, Jane Aldridge,Tavi,  etc. gained so many readers.  Sure, it might seem a little self centered to be posting pictures of yourself left and right, but ponder this. Would you rather watch E news report on the 'Housewives of Atlanta' or would you rather watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta. I'm the E news in this analogy and other bloggers would be the Housewives of Altanta (not to imply that the more popular bloggers are even remotely similar to those crazy-ass women but you get the point!) Readers, watchers, what have you, want to see people, not people talking about people.

So are you with me or are you with me? Don't fret, you'll still get plenty of the usual posts. I can only skulk around in my 4 inch boots and force my photographer friends to make me look appropriately Avant-garde for so long. 

WOW that's a lot of talking..So here is a picture of women talking because apparently that's something I can't stop doing.

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