
Riches to rags....then maybe back to riches.

I've been m.i.a. for the past two weeks since I came home from England. I managed to not upload a single picture from our stay in Scotland. When I came home I had some pretty cool news waiting for me. I got a modeling job for a local boutique called Noelie Harmon. It's a super cute vintage/eco-friendly store and a guy friend of mine (who is also modeling) got me the job! I'm soo excited for the shoot! It got pushed to the 15th of august because of tropical storm bonnie's little trip over Louisiana during the originally scheduled day. So what the hell are those glamour shots above, you ask? Welllll, Colleen and I got to model for a local screen printing company called Giraphic Prints. They have a clothing line called Giraphic Apparel and they needed some last minute photos for their wholesale catalogue. Coincidentally, the company is the creation of Colleen's older brother Danny who also happens to be my partner in crime this summer.The shoot was more of a "helping out a friend" thing rather than a "model model" thing.  The pictures were taken of Colleen, Danny, and Me by our good friend Leicester Mitchell for the catalogue. He is an amazingggg photographer..I'm gonna do a follow up post on him very very soon... The pictures above are a the results of the quickie shoot. We had about an hour notice before it happened and we were all dragged down to the local abandoned pier on the levee. It was also 103 degrees outside with the sun beating down full force. Hence us looking a little bit wilted. What can you do, right? The shirts are cute though.

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