

Im so so so so so behind on posts it's not even funny. Craziness has been my past few weeks. I had my first official official fashion shoot...pictures to come! I enjoyed my last days of summer to their fullest (and I mean *fullest*).  I moved into myyyy dorm! I'm a big girl now..what can I say. Things have been going great so far, but its just a lot of changes all at once to get used to. Although at times it feels like nothing has changed at all. For example: my first ever college class was this morning...a class of 200+ people and of course I was excited to make friends. Lo and behold..I sat down and was flocked by 5 or so girls (casual acquaintances) from my high school. Bummer. I've kind of been mysteriously ill for a few days as well. Its put kind of a damper on my plans but i'm managing just fine. Wanna see a picture of my dorm?


Im in love...

A short film by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It made my face flaps lift.


Task Flask

Im in the market for a flask these days and I'm having some trouble deciding. First, there is this adorable heart shaped one from urban. Wouldn't that be adorable pulling out of my purse? I feel like I couldn't get kicked out of a bar if I were drinking out of a heart shaped flask....
Option two, a bumble bee flask. A little more sedate and much more classic. I think the choice is obvious....my heart belongs to the first.