
Throughly Natural Emily

So I'm trying this new thing....

I have extremely fussy skin. Use the wrong product and my skin will be flaking off, red and bumpy, or a full fledged break-out.
Even the wrong laundry detergent can irritate my skin.

The solution!
For starters, I'm trying to eat healthier. Expect some yummy recipes coming your way.
Im getting rid of store bought deodorant! No, I'm not gonna go au natural, I've attempted to make my own anti-smelly concoction.  Here's the recipe!

Homemade Deodorant

1/2 cup Coconut Oil (my new favorite spread)
4 tbs Baking Soda (aluminum free)
2 tbs Arrowroot Powder (you can sub in cornstarch)

Mush it all up really well! If you want it to stay solid, don't put it anywhere that dips higher than 76 degrees (the melting point of coconut oil)
It's ok if it does melt, I just find it a little messy.
Feel free to add essential oils! I put a few drops of lemongrass and lavender in mine. Lots of people use tea tree oil, but I find it rather harsh.

I've also re-vamped my skincare routine.
I haven't quite settled on the right face wash, but I've nixed the moisturizer. In Louisiana, it's incredibly balmy, muggy, sticky and moisturizer does more harm than good. Also, the scents often irritate my skin. But! My face washes often dry my skin out, no matter what! My forehead is perpetually dry, but any lotion will make it break out. Bring in the Witch Hazel!

Here's to my new best friend...Theyer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel...with Vitamin E and Aloe Vera! I've replaced my morning wash with rubbing a cotton ball of this stuff over my face. I also put it on after my night time wash. If you have dry or combination skin, it usually not necessary to wash your face twice a day. Unless you fall asleep with your makeup on...
Its ingredients are non-comedogenic, or at least that's what I found when I went through the list of them and googled. So far, my skin is softer, no flakes, and the redness on my nose has decreased.

It's lookin' like a winner!

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