
Holiday Word Vomit..these things have got to get shorter

She let her pencil fall from her limp hand. Her head hanging over her desk, she proclaimed "It is done". Thus ends the epic thriller known as Midterms: the Saga

All joking aside, I did make it through Exams in one piece and now I'm able to focus on more pressing matters....Holiday Party!! I'm having a Secret Santa 'Mocktail' party for some of my girlfriends tomorrow. Mocktail = we are all too young to be sippin' on gin and juice but at the same time appreciate the swank-factor of a Martini. I've gathered an array of faux alcoholic drinks to appease my underage crowd- lemon drops ( Italian lemon soda), Cosmopolitans (Cranberry juice and sprite) and some Champagne (sparking grape and peach juices). 'Tis the season for holiday parties, and we alllll know how big a pain they can potentially be. I've only thrown a few soirees in my time, but i'll scrounge together what little advice I have to offer.

1. Catering is your best friend. I cooked all the food at my last party and GOD what a mistake. While the homemade touch was nice, let's face it, I'm not Martha Stuart, nor am I Jesus, so cooking food and setting up the house before an 11 o'clock brunch was not the smartest move and would have taken something close to a miracle.
2.Homemade dessert is choice. Having said my speil about cooking for the event, baking for the event is another story. A cake can be made a bit in advance while tiny finger sandwiches get soggy after 2 hours. Making a cake is always a personal touch and a hit if you put some time into it.
3. Those flimsy little plastic glasses where you have to attach the bottom to the stem SUCK. They will fall apart and you will ruin your carpet. I suggest going to target and springing on some cheap GLASS wine glasses to use for parties. Your guests and their new white blouses will appreciate it.
4. Deviled eggs. Really, just do  it. All it takes is some boiled eggs, a little dill, celery seeds, chopped celery, black pepper, salt, cayenne, and a pinch of celery salt and you are good to go. It's pretty stress-free if you know how to boil an egg. You can even make these lovelies the night before as long as you put them in an air-tight container in the fridge. I like adding a little sprig of dill to the top for a little extra oomph.
5. Enjoy yourself! Hostesses with the mostesses realize that once the party starts, what happens happens. No use crying over burned crescent rolls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd say your soirée was a hit. Thanks again for lending us your house! Happy Christmas!