
Let's get physical!

I don't about you guys, but I have been vegging out since like...turkey day. I am in some serious need of toning if I plan on actually enjoying the surf over spring break. I have a few ideas as to how to whip these buns into something a little less white bread and a little more whole wheat if you get my drift.
Tools of the trade:
1. New York City Ballet Workout DVD (volume II) - its kind of like a floor barre, and is the same workout you might get at a ballet class sans pirouettes. I like this because I've been pretty ballet-sick ever since I quit. Also, I'm not into Jane Fonda-esque power workouts and this seemed like a great alternative.
2. Doorway Chin-up Bar- I stole this one from my dad's study but it was worth the deception. You just hang it on your door's molding and go! Its a constant reminder to work out every time you walk in your room! It even fits in the threshold for assisting with sit-ups.
3.  French Women Don't Get Fat- Every diet needs a diet book, right? Although this book is kind of an anti-diet diet book. Wonder why French women get to drink wine and eat croissants and not weigh 200 lbs? This book will spill all their little secrets and more. Its got a few tasty recipes to boot!
4. Slim-ez Sweat off Short- I'm very into sweating while I exercise so these babies are a must. I know, I know, they are hideous. So what! I'm sure people have done worst for the sake of their asses. Just wear them at home, tucked in your room where no one can see your crazy ass-shrinking pants, do your little squats, and thank me later.
5. Get Lost , Republic of Tea- Drinking tea is how I start and end every day, so finding some that helps me slim down is the icing on the tried herbal cake.

See? Easy, painless, slimming goodness.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

and by turkey day you really mean Honduras.