
Well, Hi there

Its been quite a while since my last post. I spent my break in Aspen with my family, sans computer. I didn't do much while I was holed up in the lodge, avoiding my parents, brother, and -3 degree snow. I did watch the Disney movie, Princess Protection program. I really don't know what i enjoyed more- the scene with the Betsey Johnson dress (that my dad actually pointed out as being a Betsey Johnson dress...I was so proud) or the fact that after the phrase "welcome to Louisiana" was spoken, the camera did a pan of this giant, green, tropical mountain range. Biggest joke ever. While in Aspen I also caught a glimpse of Zac Effron, probably the closest thing I'll ever get to watching high school musical. All in all it was a great break, and I brought back some nice loot like a beautiful New Zealand Sheepskin rug at buyer's price! The tag was mismarked so I didn't have to pay a cent more than the owner of the store payed to get it! Mine is very similar to the one in the picture. It's the first thing my feet touch in the morning and the last thing at night. You cannot believe how much that has improved my sleep experience. I almost feel bad for supporting the killing of sheepies but....its so damn soft.

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