
Best Talk of My Life

"Hey, I'm going to Matt's(my brother)"
"Commin' home?"
"Kay, see you later."

This is what occurred between my mother and me the night after my high school graduation. I want to be clear that I was grounded for a week for staying at my brothers apartment once. I was the most sheltered of the sheltered, a 12:00 curfew up until my last day of my senior year. Its been a very surreal week- having only been home twice with a few ambiguous texts sent back and forth. The funny part is that my parents probably trust me just as much as they did before i graduated (which wasn't very much) but once that diploma was handed to me, the ivory tower my parents had me holed up in was demolished. The only downside is that I've been totally neglecting my blog and the style pictures i've taken have been just sitting in my camera for the past few days. My time has been mostly spent with my brother and the Ryan kids. Matt left yesterday for a two month trip to europe and yes, I cried like a baby when he left. As for the Ryan kids, I've been friends with the younger sister Colleen since birth practically. I can't even put into words how much fun she is.....she's my sassier, bolder half. The thing is, we went to middle school together but when we got into high school, she went to public school while I was shipped to an all girl catholic high school. Summertime is when we make up for lost time. I remember the summer before my sophomore year, she literally lived at my house with high-jinx all around. That's about it for this pointless little life update/trip down memory lane. I should be poppin' out some posts here and there but this summer looks to me like one i'll never forget so I wouldn't count on me sitting down at my mac too often.

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