
I have a small problem..

that i've no doubt mentioned here before. Retail therapy seems to be my (as well as my mother's) go to fix for missing someone. Quick re-cap, my brother left for a month long wrestling camp and on our way home from the airport drop-off we bought hundreds of dollars worth of the most impractical bullshit clothing that urban outfitters had to offer. Retail therapy is only a temporary solution, clearly. Anyways, so my darling brother decided to leave me again, but this time for France. A little more acceptable. Lo and behold, my mother and I found ourselves elbow deep in Sephora merchandise earlier today...its a vicious cycle. Good news! Instead of coming home with a floor length two sizes too big dress with a weird native american motif, I managed to find the perfect shade of lipstick. Love Devotion 1089 by NARS. Its a coral red, pretty sheer, and makes lips super soft. Its a little sad how happy finding good cosmetics can make me feel. By sad I mean pathetic and by happy I mean fulfilled.

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