
Date night

..with my 4 closest girlies! Im in charge of renting a movie called TiMER...100% rom-com goodness. We saw the preview for the movie on the little front row app on macbook. In the movie, people can get timers put into their arms that count down time until they meet their soul mates. The problem is, the lead female's timer reads 0:00 and the boy she loves has a timer set to like 3 months or something. Cheesy? Yes. But a little cute, non? Anyways, girls night at my house means I get to make the desserts! So here's my little rice krispie recipe of tastiness. Its my slight modification of the box recipe. More butter, and better mallow/krispie ratio.

6 cups plain rice krispie cereal
1 jar of jet puffed marshmallow cream
4 tablespoons of salted stick butter...using margarine at this point would be stupid, not to mention gross
sprinkles! As much as you want! The more the merrier in my opinion.

Get a smallish non-stick pot and melt the butter then add the jar of marshmallow. When its relatively soupy pour it all into a large bowl you'll be using to mix in the krisp. Oh you'll want to have a wax paper covered pan near by..brownie pan sized will do. Wait just a little bit for the mixture to drop from molten-death heat to touchable and start mixing in the krispie bit by bit. I tend to just rub some stick butter on my hands and forgo the spatula for mixing. Mixing it by hand may or may not be more effective but it certainly is fun! Once its all evenly coated (and sprinkles are added), scoop it into your wax paper pan and slip the whole thing into the fridge for like 20 minutes. You'll want to make sure its packed down into its pan tightly or else they'll fall apart when you eat them. After 20 minutes, they'll be perfect! Don't leave them in the fridge overnight or else they'll dry out into hard mounds of what used to be deliciousness. Store it instead on the counter with some plastic wrap for protection against the elements!

Don't be surprised if the krispies never quite make it to the fridge. They smell soooo good when you are mixing them that obscene amounts of snacking can occur. A little tip: my friend Milly loves putting peanut butter on hers and mixing in some chocolate chips.

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