
...Just no.

Madonna is in Dolce & Gabbana's newest ad. What the hellllllll. This is not ok..or seductive in any way, shape, or form.

Spring Break Count Down: 28 days

Its almost that time! Im on watch 24/7 for clothes for spring break, shopping pretty much non-stop throughout the day. So far I've ordered my swimsuits, but the search is still on for a white flowy dress, romper, and shorts. I cant fit into any of the shorts from last year :(  Not terribly happy about that, but at least it gives me an excuse to buy some new duds. Warning, I have gone kind of American Apparel and Victoria's Secret crazy this year...I should have a pretty interesting summer wardrobe. My mom took me down to New Orleans to drop off my friend Camille, and she let me check out the American Apparel store (although she had such a bad headache from the ball on Friday, she wasn't in the mood to be buying me things). I fell in love with these Mineral Wash Natural Denim Runner Shorts (the close up picture above nabbed from Le Blog de Betty). They look very similar to a pair of gray cut offs (look down) I made from some hand-me-down express jeans from my friend Colleen. I still want the AA shorts because I probably need more than one pair of denim shorts this summer. Notice the dead shrubs on my fence....I might be ready for summer but our foliage at home sure isn't.


The Big Day!

Tomorrow is the big day, ladies! The day I become a woman...launched onto society...formally presented to the masses...become eligible to marry (take a number folks, the lines are starting). Kidding. I digress. Nevertheless I'm hella nervous for all the parading around that will be going on. However, I'm very confident in my choice of dress. Look at me with my two pretty deb sisters! Caroline and Mary Ashton. Aren't they gorgeous?? Caroline's dress (next to me) was handmade and modeled after a dress from the Vineyard collection by Priscilla of Boston...I really really LOVE that collection. Well...wish me luck!

Girl of the Moment

Brigitte Bardot...too bad she is a racist old biddy now.


One of my favorite poems of all timesss.

Musee des Beaux Arts    W.H. Auden  Picture: The Fall of Icarus by Peter Paul Rubens
About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters; how well, they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.
In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.

Summer Summer

Summer already? Really, Emily, really? Its still January! Yeah. Know why? In about two weeks Louisiana will be as hot as Hades and I'll be happily strutting around in my new crop tops and floral sundresses. Speaking of crop tops, I'm a little bit in love with this trend. It certainly takes guts to pull them off, but I think they'd make perfect little beach shirts to cover your shoulders when they get a little bit pink. Trolling around Elle.com I stumbled upon this adorable street fashion shot of a Miss Julie Long. I like how there is just a hint of skin at the waist and the deep scoop neck keeps it out of 90's territory.  She's also rocking the cute steve madden tuxedo shoes I ordered a while back! Too bad I got them in black, because they look so cute in nude. Get ready for a deluge of summer posts because I'm sick and tired of stupid wool skirts when its 60+ degrees out.


Let's get physical!

I don't about you guys, but I have been vegging out since like...turkey day. I am in some serious need of toning if I plan on actually enjoying the surf over spring break. I have a few ideas as to how to whip these buns into something a little less white bread and a little more whole wheat if you get my drift.
Tools of the trade:
1. New York City Ballet Workout DVD (volume II) - its kind of like a floor barre, and is the same workout you might get at a ballet class sans pirouettes. I like this because I've been pretty ballet-sick ever since I quit. Also, I'm not into Jane Fonda-esque power workouts and this seemed like a great alternative.
2. Doorway Chin-up Bar- I stole this one from my dad's study but it was worth the deception. You just hang it on your door's molding and go! Its a constant reminder to work out every time you walk in your room! It even fits in the threshold for assisting with sit-ups.
3.  French Women Don't Get Fat- Every diet needs a diet book, right? Although this book is kind of an anti-diet diet book. Wonder why French women get to drink wine and eat croissants and not weigh 200 lbs? This book will spill all their little secrets and more. Its got a few tasty recipes to boot!
4. Slim-ez Sweat off Short- I'm very into sweating while I exercise so these babies are a must. I know, I know, they are hideous. So what! I'm sure people have done worst for the sake of their asses. Just wear them at home, tucked in your room where no one can see your crazy ass-shrinking pants, do your little squats, and thank me later.
5. Get Lost , Republic of Tea- Drinking tea is how I start and end every day, so finding some that helps me slim down is the icing on the tried herbal cake.

See? Easy, painless, slimming goodness.


Well, Hi there

Its been quite a while since my last post. I spent my break in Aspen with my family, sans computer. I didn't do much while I was holed up in the lodge, avoiding my parents, brother, and -3 degree snow. I did watch the Disney movie, Princess Protection program. I really don't know what i enjoyed more- the scene with the Betsey Johnson dress (that my dad actually pointed out as being a Betsey Johnson dress...I was so proud) or the fact that after the phrase "welcome to Louisiana" was spoken, the camera did a pan of this giant, green, tropical mountain range. Biggest joke ever. While in Aspen I also caught a glimpse of Zac Effron, probably the closest thing I'll ever get to watching high school musical. All in all it was a great break, and I brought back some nice loot like a beautiful New Zealand Sheepskin rug at buyer's price! The tag was mismarked so I didn't have to pay a cent more than the owner of the store payed to get it! Mine is very similar to the one in the picture. It's the first thing my feet touch in the morning and the last thing at night. You cannot believe how much that has improved my sleep experience. I almost feel bad for supporting the killing of sheepies but....its so damn soft.

Girl of the Moment
