
Moderately inapprop..warningwarningwarning

I read a funny ancedote a while back in the "best of" section of Craig's list. I laughed so hard the first time I read this, I disrupted my physics class big time.  It's about guys peeing in sinks. I promise i'm not gross and weird. It's funny! The language is a bit more filthy than the topic...so don't get your undies in a bunch if f-bombs start 'a fallin. Linkage.

Pick up and go

facey facey

Found my newish M.A.C. blushcreme in my sheets today...so I put it on for a little impromptu photo shoot in my bed. Im wearing a very pretty cotton dress from a local vintage store I bought today. My friend Dexter and I got some lunch and stopped by for some shopping..funny how everyone knows what will cheer me up. It was nice of him to indulge me and lunch was cool. I have a certain appreciation for bro friends...they don't over analyze shit like gal friends can. Not that I'm not the queen of over analyzing...ahem, moving on. The dress is very Virgin Suicides. Sooo 1970's virginal  could-be-a-nightgown-but-is-not kind of dress. So photo shoot commenced, until I remembered that I still felt a mess, it was only the M.A.C. Joie-De-Vivre blush that helped me not look a mess. Whew, I'm just about done with this day.

Edit: Apparently they no longer make this color...so this post is again, pretty pointless. However, I also have the blushcreme in Poesy. Super cute, less intense of a color. Its better for people with lighter complexions.

Looking a mess

If a girl ever says she looks a mess...she means she not only looks like shit, she feels like shit.  I look a mess. Good news- looking a mess usually results in some ok songwriting moments. However, it can result in looking like a crazy person. Fair trade? I'll let you know when my record drops. If I keep this up, it might be sooner than I think. I'll have a freaking anthology before this summer is done with me.


To India, with love

A friend of mine is going to be in India for a few weeks this summer and I couldn't help but think of him when I saw this excellent anthro dress. Love love love the sari-like folds of the bodice and sleeves. This dress would probably be a tad bit mature for my 18 years, but it never hurts just to look.

Happy Saturday

Hope your weekend was something like this chicks...mine sure as hell wasn't.
pic found via This is Glamorous


What i was wearing..yesterday

My new Free People romp. You like? Umm super super crappy quality picture, but what can you do, ya know?


Shakira Shakira

Colleen and I are having a major Shakira moment right now. It all started with "Waka Waka". Its the official song of the world cup. Been keeping up with all that football goodness? I've been doing my best to watch some of the games, but I always find myself super busy when its time to sit down and watch. Anyhow, Shakira. We danced to "Waka Waka" (the spanish version) like 5 times yesterday then moved on to "La Totura". I melt when I hear Alejandro's voice...not a very productive day yesterday. Can you believe my abs are sore from all the hip shaking action? Haha, my hips don't lie!

if i were a princess..

This skirt would be mine! I would wear it proudly in all its frilly translucent glory. I think I just discovered the downside of graduating high school...I would have been able to wear this skirt to a school dance. Now, I've got nowhere to go! Well, not nowhere, but this skirt wouldn't be acceptable just anywhere. This post has gone everywhere.. unlike that skirt. Ok. Im sorry. Enough lame riddle/puns. I've got an iphone to sync!


Epic Night of Cooking!

Shitty shitty picture..but I have to say, the curry was a success. Well, 50% of the curry was a success. My friend Kiki, the stunning lady pictured with me, is a vegetarian. So, I thought, "just take the fish sauce and chicken out of the recipe"...and don't compensate for the lack of salt? Not one of my brightest moments. I fed her some easy mac and called it a day. No one is perfect! However, my chicken/fish sauce filled curry was really good! It was a yellow curry and I used a great recipe from About.com. We jammed to my newly purchased Avett Brothers album I and Love and You. My favorite album of their's by far. I also picked up the new-ish Vampire Weekend Album Contra. Really really loving Contra so far. If anything, V-week improved upon and refined their sound...unlike MGMT who lost it with their newest album Congratulations. But, I'll open that can of worms in another post. Until then, enjoy this curry recipe!! Coconutty, potato, turmeric, limey goodness.



too bad I dont needneedneed this bag.

What Im Wearing

Im so lazy this morning that (for starters) this "morning" began at 12 noon....I got dressed in bed, did my hair in bed, ate in bed (rice krispie treats) and took this picture in bed. 
Summertime and the living's easy..
Shirt- urban  Shorts- american eagle cut-offs from when I was 12...


Girl of the Moment

Christine Staub...daughter of the crazy housewife of NJ Danielle Staub and newly signed IMG model. She is absolutely stunning, and seems to be a smart kid.

Stop the Madness

The buying continues....hurricane Emily hit freepeople.com earlier today. Somebody needs to cut me off or else I wont be able to eat for the entire first semester.
Printed Knit Layering Mini ...apparently I purchased the last one. 


Ever have one of those mornings when you wake up from a dreamless sleep before everyone else in the house is stirring and just stay in bed thinking. But, instead of thinking about your day ahead and pleasant thoughts, your mind decides to throw every worst case scenario of every problem that is bothering you into an HD drama in your head. Its one of those mornings.

How to combat it?

Hell if I know.

I have a small problem..

that i've no doubt mentioned here before. Retail therapy seems to be my (as well as my mother's) go to fix for missing someone. Quick re-cap, my brother left for a month long wrestling camp and on our way home from the airport drop-off we bought hundreds of dollars worth of the most impractical bullshit clothing that urban outfitters had to offer. Retail therapy is only a temporary solution, clearly. Anyways, so my darling brother decided to leave me again, but this time for France. A little more acceptable. Lo and behold, my mother and I found ourselves elbow deep in Sephora merchandise earlier today...its a vicious cycle. Good news! Instead of coming home with a floor length two sizes too big dress with a weird native american motif, I managed to find the perfect shade of lipstick. Love Devotion 1089 by NARS. Its a coral red, pretty sheer, and makes lips super soft. Its a little sad how happy finding good cosmetics can make me feel. By sad I mean pathetic and by happy I mean fulfilled.


Before and After

I promised I would show some silly before and after pictures of my pre-and post-keratin treated hair. Im not sure the exact name of the treatment. There is a treatment out there called a brazilian straightening treatment that uses keratin...and formaldehyde. The treatment I had done is 100% keratin which is applied to the hair then every strand of hair is straightened. It has to set for three days. That means three days of no washing, staying out of the rain, and no sweating or swimming. A small price to pay for frizzless, blow-dryable hair. When a blowdryer touched my hair before the treatment, I would have a beyond massive fried fro. Not so cute. After the treatment, I blow-dry my hair into silky-smoothness. No straightener needed.  Best part is, when I let it air dry, it settles into relaxed smooth waves! Im a little still in awe of it and its been a little over a month (it lasts 3-5 months). Um excuse the weird before picture..I lost the ones I took before the process so I had to dig up a picture of my hair in its natural state. And a goat.
Note the halo of frizzy

After:                                                    Silky bedhead!!!!

Date night

..with my 4 closest girlies! Im in charge of renting a movie called TiMER...100% rom-com goodness. We saw the preview for the movie on the little front row app on macbook. In the movie, people can get timers put into their arms that count down time until they meet their soul mates. The problem is, the lead female's timer reads 0:00 and the boy she loves has a timer set to like 3 months or something. Cheesy? Yes. But a little cute, non? Anyways, girls night at my house means I get to make the desserts! So here's my little rice krispie recipe of tastiness. Its my slight modification of the box recipe. More butter, and better mallow/krispie ratio.

6 cups plain rice krispie cereal
1 jar of jet puffed marshmallow cream
4 tablespoons of salted stick butter...using margarine at this point would be stupid, not to mention gross
sprinkles! As much as you want! The more the merrier in my opinion.

Get a smallish non-stick pot and melt the butter then add the jar of marshmallow. When its relatively soupy pour it all into a large bowl you'll be using to mix in the krisp. Oh you'll want to have a wax paper covered pan near by..brownie pan sized will do. Wait just a little bit for the mixture to drop from molten-death heat to touchable and start mixing in the krispie bit by bit. I tend to just rub some stick butter on my hands and forgo the spatula for mixing. Mixing it by hand may or may not be more effective but it certainly is fun! Once its all evenly coated (and sprinkles are added), scoop it into your wax paper pan and slip the whole thing into the fridge for like 20 minutes. You'll want to make sure its packed down into its pan tightly or else they'll fall apart when you eat them. After 20 minutes, they'll be perfect! Don't leave them in the fridge overnight or else they'll dry out into hard mounds of what used to be deliciousness. Store it instead on the counter with some plastic wrap for protection against the elements!

Don't be surprised if the krispies never quite make it to the fridge. They smell soooo good when you are mixing them that obscene amounts of snacking can occur. A little tip: my friend Milly loves putting peanut butter on hers and mixing in some chocolate chips.



definition:  a word from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the "most succinct word", and is considered one of the hardest words to translate.[1] It describes "a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start."

I wish there was a word like this in English...we need a whole paragraph to describe such a common little situation. 
(dubious) Source: Wiki
Try saying that five times fast..

from Bonnaroo to Waterloo

I've hardly recovered from my latest adventures at Bonnaroo and its time to start thinking about my trip to England! Ill be spending about a week in the english countryside with a stop off in london then a short stay in scotland before flying home. First thing on my packing list? Some classic wellies! I don't think my bright blue monkey print rain boots are going to cut it for the queen. I've got my eye on these babies and I know exactly what to wear them with! The "Judy or Madeline" dress from ModCloth. Is it a trench? Is it a dress? Does it matter? Its perfect for a brisk morning walk...I'm so ready for this vacation.